Bronson City Council Considers Introduction of Recreational Cannabis Businesses

April 12th, 2024 Legislation & Policy Updates
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Bronson, Michigan, continues to deliberate on the possibility of allowing businesses dealing in recreational cannabis within city limits. The matter was a focal point of discussion at the recent Bronson City Council meeting held last Monday.

During the meeting, Mayor Matt Watkins, addressing City Manager Brandon Mersman, highlighted the potential of recreational cannabis businesses as a revenue source. However, he emphasized the necessity for further information to aid community understanding and decision-making.

This isn't the first time the topic has come up for discussion; nearly a year ago, the City Council conducted a public hearing that captured diverse community perspectives on the issue. The ongoing deliberations follow the statewide approval of recreational cannabis in November 2018. Despite this approval, Bronson City Council opted out of the law two months after its passage, deciding to wait until Michigan established clear regulations for the industry. It's important to note that communities have the flexibility to opt in at any time, permitting them to authorize and regulate local businesses that sell recreational cannabis.

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