Three Rivers Gears Up for Two New Recreational Marijuana Outlets

Published 1 year ago Legislation & Policy Updates
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On Monday, the Three Rivers Planning Commission recommended special exception permits to the City Commission for two applicants, TR Retailer LLC and Three Rivers NZ LLC. Both businesses are looking to establish recreational marijuana provisioning centers along the highway. These recommendations are set to be deliberated at the city commission's next session on Tuesday, October 3rd.

TR Retailer LLC is gearing up to operate under the name "Cannabis Outlet", situated at 745 S. U.S. 131 in the shopping plaza across Meijer, nestled between Subway and Wild Bill's Tobacco. Jevin Weyenberg, a co-owner, informed that this would be the eighth store in their line, which includes the Lake Effect and Doja retail outlets. With local roots, Weyenberg emphasized his Michigan connection, as most of the ownership team hails from the state. The store is projected to employ 15-20 individuals.

During discussions, a point of contention arose regarding the absence of a reception area or vestibule in the building's initial renderings - a mandatory feature per city ordinance. Weyenberg acknowledged this oversight, assuring updated plans with a vestibule in place. Commissioner Jenny Koski expressed satisfaction with their proactive approach to resolving this.

John Beebe, the Planning Commission Liaison, noted a few pending adjustments in the plans, like defining "limited access" zones and beefing up security details. Upon these amendments, the planning commission unanimously endorsed the recommendation.

Three Rivers NZ has plans to operate as "Gramz Three Rivers" at 223 N. U.S. 131 in the River Crossings Plaza, close to the Goodwill drop-off point. One of its owners, Steven Kilano, spoke of the allure of Three Rivers, praising its vibrancy and unique charm. Despite other potential spots, Kilano emphasized selecting a location keeping the "family-friendly" ambiance in mind.

Kilano, who also owns a cannabis retail store in Genesee County and a cultivation facility in Warren, is confident about their new venture. He revealed that, barring any major hurdles, the store might start operating in a few months. Like TR Retailer, Kilano also highlighted some necessary plan revisions, especially concerning fire safety and access points. Commissioner Karl Armstrong praised the firm's proactive approach to most concerns. Consequently, the planning commission unanimously backed this recommendation too.

Both businesses await the City Commission's decision next week, marking a notable step for Michigan's marijuana landscape.

Michigan's Jayden's Law: A Push for Medical Marijuana Administration in Schools

Published 1 year ago Legislation & Policy Updates
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Michigan currently mandates that any pediatric patient registered for medical marijuana must be relocated 1,000 feet away from school premises, by their parent or guardian, to be given state-approved THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol) or CBD (cannabidiol) products. After administration, the student has to return and resume their school activities.

State Rep. Jimmie Wilson Jr. and six fellow representatives are advocating for a change. Their new bill, "Jayden's Law," aims to simplify the process for pediatric patients, preventing them from missing valuable school time, feeling isolated from peers, and placing undue burdens on their families.

Key Features of Jayden's Law

  • Schools would be mandated to establish clear rules for THC or CBD medication administration.

  • Designation of specific school staff for supervision during medication administration.

  • Protections would be put in place for students, parents, legal guardians, and all involved in the medication process during school hours and related activities.

  • Requirements for Jayden's Law include a written treatment plan from the parent/guardian, supervision during medication by a designated staffer, and annual proof of the student's medical marijuana card.

This legislation was inspired by Jayden Carter and the challenges he faced. Jayden's experience with medical marijuana was transformative, and he and his mother, Amie Carter, advocated for changes to allow students like him easier access during school hours.

"Jayden's Law" takes cues from Illinois' "Ashley's Law," which was enacted in 2018 after 12-year-old Ashley Surin needed CBD oil for seizures induced by chemotherapy for leukemia.

The Story Behind Jayden's Law

Jayden Carter's life wasn't easy. From infancy, his mother noticed his constant crying and his adverse reactions to lights and sounds. By his first birthday, Jayden had three seizures.

As he grew older, Jayden's challenges became more pronounced. Diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome, ADHD, and Oppositional Defiant Disorder, he was prescribed numerous pharmaceutical drugs, yet his aggression continued.

However, everything changed when he was prescribed cannabis oil-filled capsules at age 9. Jayden shares, "Before I took cannabis, I felt detached. Now, I feel in sync with myself."

Michigan's current laws limit Jayden's medication intake at school, creating daily challenges for him and his mother. State Rep. Jimmie Wilson Jr. is pushing for changes with Jayden's Law, drawing parallels with Illinois' successful implementation of a similar bill.

Jayden's mom started to educate and advocate for this vital legislation. Her hope, along with many others, is that students and parents won't have to endure these hurdles in the future.

Rep. Wilson is optimistic about reintroducing the bill in May, aiming for broad bipartisan support. As Michigan's marijuana landscape evolves, "Jayden's Law" symbolizes a step toward inclusivity and medical accessibility for all students.

How Plymouth's Commission Candidates Tackle the Marijuana Question

Published 1 year ago Legislation & Policy Updates
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As Plymouth gears up for its City Commission elections on November 7th, the discussion surrounding marijuana dispensaries has taken center stage for many candidates. With seven candidates running for four available seats, the direction Plymouth will take regarding cannabis is undoubtedly going to be influenced by this election.

Ron Picard: Picard grew up in Westland, moving to Plymouth in 2010. With a background in computer engineering, he's presently a software developer. Picard's campaign paints a picture of a lifelong commitment to community involvement, notably coaching and leadership roles in churches and community choirs. The potential opening of marijuana dispensaries in Plymouth has become a significant concern for him. He warns of out-of-town groups influencing local policies, particularly referring to ballot proposals that might enable marijuana drive-thrus in Plymouth. Picard's approach promises transparency, citizen representation, and a proactive response to any potential drawbacks the dispensaries could bring to Plymouth.

Catherine Coburn: A Plymouth resident and mother, Coburn offers a unique perspective, emphasizing the preservation of Plymouth's charm and community spirit. She has voiced a firm stance against marijuana dispensaries. Drawing from her experiences as a mother and a three-decade-long career in the hospitality industry, Coburn asserts that dispensaries don't belong in Plymouth's downtown, or the city at large. She fears that the easy access to marijuana might endanger Plymouth's family-friendly atmosphere and poses risks the city should not take.

The Broader Context

While the marijuana debate is undoubtedly salient, it's worth noting where other candidates stand on various issues, as these too will shape Plymouth's future.

Suzi Deal is a seasoned Plymouth figure, finishing her eighth year on the city commission. She emphasizes the importance of Plymouth's uniqueness and the need for evolution. Her vision seeks to combine a deep understanding of local government with leadership skills to champion Plymouth's growth.

Linda Filipczak, with a career in nursing and philanthropy, stresses the importance of historical preservation while simultaneously advocating for progress. She aims to represent citizens and business owners faithfully, focusing on the delicate balance of embracing history while enabling forward improvement.

Brock Minton, relatively newer to Plymouth, emphasizes his background in the steel industry, asserting that it equips him with the ethical code and collaboration skills necessary for a city commissioner role. While Minton's perspective on cannabis wasn't explicit, he's voiced strong support for Prop 1, focusing on the expansion of Plymouth's recreation department and the improvement of local parks.

Kelly O'Donnell emphasizes the importance of Plymouth's parks and recreation system, recognizing its central role in the community's lifestyle. Though her stance on cannabis hasn't been prominently addressed, her vision for Plymouth includes updating parks and executing the 2024 master plan for a shared community vision.

Josh Rimatzki, a younger candidate, focuses on Plymouth's infrastructure, especially the sustainability of assets like parking structures. He envisions a proactive approach, working collaboratively with other city departments to provide long-term solutions.

Final Thoughts

Plymouth's City Commission elections promise to shape the city's future, with the cannabis issue being at the forefront of debates. As residents decide their next representatives, they'll be choosing the path Plymouth takes on marijuana and various other pressing issues. It will be a pivotal moment for the city, determining how it evolves and addresses its challenges in the coming years.

Dana Nessel Leads Charge for Cannabis Banking Reforms with SAFER Act

Published 1 year ago Legislation & Policy Updates
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Michigan's Attorney General, Dana Nessel, alongside a group of 22 fellow Attorneys General, has voiced strong support for the SAFER Banking Act of 2023. This Act seeks to eliminate current banking restrictions, paving the way for state-sanctioned cannabis enterprises to enjoy a full spectrum of banking and financial services.

Even as an increasing number of states have authorized and regulated cannabis businesses, federal law—specifically the Controlled Substances Act and some banking laws—still classifies cannabis as an illicit substance. Consequently, financial institutions serving these state-compliant cannabis businesses face potential criminal and civil liabilities.

This inconsistency in federal and state laws has caused significant challenges for these businesses. Not only does it create hurdles for new entrants into the cannabis industry, but existing entities also grapple with financial stability. The current restrictions impede state agencies from effectively collecting taxes and performing due diligence. More gravely, the need for businesses to rely solely on cash transactions increases the risk of violent crimes targeting both employees and customers.

"Despite their legal status at the state level, cannabis businesses are unjustly barred from the same banking services that other legal enterprises freely enjoy," remarked AG Nessel. She emphasized the undue vulnerability this creates, making the cannabis sector an easy mark for criminals. "It's only just that every legal business has unhampered access to banking. It safeguards the businesses, their employees, and the general public. Therefore, it's paramount for Congress to greenlight the SAFER Banking Act and align federal banking regulations with the progressive state laws."

The collective stance of the Attorneys General is clear: passing the SAFER Banking Act will be instrumental. It will stimulate economic growth, augment state-level oversight of tax commitments, and mitigate public safety concerns tied to high-cash operations.

Furthermore, the SAFER Banking Act aims to create a 'safe harbor' for financial institutions. This will enable them to serve cannabis businesses in states with robust regulations, ensuring accountability within the cannabis sector.

Endorsing a robust safe harbor, the Attorneys General believe it will channel billions into the banking industry. This influx will equip law enforcement and tax agencies—at both federal and state levels—and cannabis overseers in thirty-eight states and multiple territories to supervise and ensure the legality of cannabis businesses and their transactions more efficiently.

Sylvan Township Board to Discuss Marijuana Facilities Expansion

Published 1 year ago Legislation & Policy Updates
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Sylvan Township is set to discuss the potential expansion of marijuana facilities during the upcoming board meeting on Tuesday, October 3rd, at 7:00 pm in the township hall. The discussion was reintroduced by Treasurer Branham, who is exploring the idea as a potential revenue generation source for the community.

Members of the public are encouraged to attend and offer their perspectives. The board has set aside time for public comments at the start of the meeting. For those unable to attend in person, written feedback can be submitted in advance to the Board members:

In a previous meeting, public comments predominantly opposed the expansion of marijuana facilities. Concerns highlighted potential negative impacts, particularly on the youth of Sylvan Township. Several studies and data were presented, including a fact sheet from SRSLY, suggesting increased young adult marijuana use within proximity to dispensaries. Another pooled analysis linked young adult marijuana use to potential increases in depression, suicidal ideation, and suicide attempts compared to non-users.

Treasurer Branham shared a vision of possibly having a facility on Brown Dr., while Trustee Schulze mentioned the potential benefit for farmers selling land for marijuana cultivation operations. In contrast, Trustee Koseck and Clerk Nimke preferred to remove the topic from the agenda due to previous deliberations and legal considerations.

Given that the use of marijuana by adults is legal in Michigan and available in nearby communities, the primary consideration is to evaluate the benefits and drawbacks of introducing new retail and cultivation operations in Sylvan Township.

The discussion can be organized into three primary concerns:

  1. Financial Impact: With potential revenue generation being a primary motivation, it's essential for the Board to provide a comprehensive financial evaluation. This would encompass not only potential earnings but also possible costs, such as litigation or increased law enforcement needs. Comparisons could also be drawn with other development options like housing.

  2. Public Convenience: Although several marijuana facilities are within a short drive from Sylvan Township, a local retail outlet could provide more accessible options for residents. The implications of such convenience should be carefully assessed.

  3. Impact on Public Health: A central focus is the health and well-being of Sylvan Township's residents, especially its youth. Evaluating potential long-term consequences and the immediate impacts will be vital for informed decision-making.

With the agenda item reintroduced and support from certain board members, the upcoming discussion promises to be comprehensive, weighing the various risks and benefits. The community's involvement is crucial, ensuring that decisions reflect the best interests of Sylvan Township's residents.

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Chelsea City Council Elections: Candidates Weigh in on Cannabis Operations

Published 1 year ago Legislation & Policy Updates
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With the General Election approaching on November 7th, Chelsea will see some new members joining the City Council. The seats for Charles Wiseley, Peter Feeney, and Eric Keaton are up for grabs, with Keaton vying for a continued seat after his appointment two years prior.

The upcoming election presents candidates Julianne Chard, George Merkel, Beth Morris, and the aforementioned Keaton, all competing for the three available positions.

The Chelsea Chamber of Commerce recently organized a Candidate Forum on September 21st, aiming to familiarize voters with their potential future council members. The forum's master of ceremonies, Paul Schissler, expressed his gratitude to the candidates, emphasizing the importance of the roles they're aiming for: "Chelsea City Council is not a casual volunteer job but one for skilled, thoughtful people genuinely concerned about our city."

One of the focal points during the forum was the city's perspective on cannabis operations, especially given the ongoing dialogue in neighboring townships. Here's a summarized view of what each candidate had to say:

Julianne Chard:

  • Feels Chelsea's proximity to Ann Arbor provides ample access to cannabis operations.
  • Though recognizing its potential as a revenue generator, Chard argues that the city prioritizes family-centric values.
  • Believes further cannabis establishments don't resonate with Chelsea's present ethos.

Eric Keaton:

  • Maintains a neutral standpoint on personal cannabis consumption.
  • Considers additional operations in Chelsea redundant due to neighboring availability.
  • Raises concerns about the impact on the city's intrinsic charm.

George Merkel:

  • Is open to considering it if backed by public sentiment.
  • Notes the abundance of cannabis outlets in adjacent areas.
  • Promises to respect public opinion, pledging to base his stance on the residents' collective decision.

Beth Morris:

  • Acknowledges the therapeutic attributes of cannabis.
  • As a mental health expert, she's conscious of the potential behavioral and substance-related risks, predominantly among the youth.
  • Advocates for thorough research and assessment before greenlighting any cannabis ventures in Chelsea.

With the election looming, the city's stance on cannabis operations will certainly be a topic of interest for many Chelsea voters. As the candidates lay out their positions, the decision now rests in the hands of the residents.

For those interested in gaining a comprehensive understanding of the discussions and questions posed to potential city council leaders, the full hour-long video of the meeting is available for you to watch: