Lume Cannabis Company recently launched a new THC-infused seltzer called BUZZN, introducing another cannabis consumption option in Michigan. The beverage, which contains 7.5 milligrams of THC, offers a lighter alternative to alcoholic drinks and is aimed at consumers seeking a social beverage without the effects of alcohol.
Jeff Verlinden, the Director of Retail Operations at Lume, noted the growing popularity of cannabis beverages in Michigan, expressing enthusiasm for their new product line. "Cannabis beverages are gaining traction here, and we're excited to introduce our BUZZN brand to the market," he stated.
These beverages are seen as appealing alternatives for those who prefer not to consume alcohol during social gatherings. "There are people who may not be interested in alcoholic beverages but still want to participate in social settings where others might be drinking," Verlinden explained.
Before any cannabis-infused beverage hits the market, it undergoes a rigorous approval process. Claire Patterson, Scientific Section Manager at Michigan's Cannabis Regulatory Agency, outlined the necessary steps for approval. "Companies must first submit a product plan. Following approval, they work with a chosen laboratory to conduct stability testing to determine shelf life and ensure safety," Patterson described.
Patterson also highlighted differences in how the body processes THC-infused beverages compared to edibles, suggesting they may be metabolized faster. She emphasized the importance of understanding product labeling and dosage. "It's crucial for consumers to start with a low dose and go slow, especially if they are new to cannabis beverages," she advised.
Both Verlinden and Patterson stress the importance of responsible consumption, urging consumers to know their limits and consume THC products safely.
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