ReLeaf Center Joins Dowagiac Community with Symbolic Ribbon Tying

May 22nd, 2024 Business & Industry
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On Wednesday, the ReLeaf Center officially joined the Dowagiac business community with a unique ribbon tying ceremony. This event, held at 29402 Amerihost Dr, brought together Chamber of Commerce representatives and local business owners to celebrate the occasion. The ribbon tying, in contrast to the traditional ribbon-cutting, symbolized the unity between the business and the community.

The ReLeaf Center, which also operates a facility in Niles at 1840 Terminal Rd., is involved in the cultivation, processing, and provisioning of cannabis. While the company has several locations in eastern Michigan, the Niles site was the first to grow cannabis plants, which are then processed and distributed to other ReLeaf locations. The Dowagiac center marks the second provisioning site in the city.

"We help a lot of people and it's just great to see," said General Manager Lisa Frank. "I'm so very happy to be part of all this. It's just been a great experience for me." The ReLeaf Center operates from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. Monday through Wednesday, 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Thursday through Saturday, and 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Sunday. It also offers a drive-thru service.

Owner Michael E. Gelatke expressed his enthusiasm for the new location, stating, "It means a lot. The cooperation with the city has been great. We've built these in other places and the cooperation isn't always very good, but this town has been great. We're happy to be here."

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