Three Arrested in Van Buren County Dispensary Break-In

June 2nd, 2024 Legal & Crime
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Early Sunday morning, three men were apprehended following a break-in at the TruLeaf Dispensary in the Village of Lawrence. A fourth suspect remains at large, according to the Van Buren County Sheriff's Office.

The incident began around 3:30 a.m. when the dispensary's owner observed several individuals inside the building via surveillance footage. Authorities were promptly notified, and deputies arrived on the scene to find multiple suspects attempting to carry bags of cannabis and other products out of the facility.

Upon spotting the deputies, the suspects retreated back into the building. Three of them then exited through an unmonitored door and fled into the nearby woods.

Law enforcement managed to apprehend the first suspect as he attempted to reach a getaway vehicle. A second suspect was found hiding inside the dispensary. The third suspect was initially spotted walking along I-94 near County Road 681 before disappearing into the woods. He was later seen walking north along the same highway and was subsequently taken into custody.

The suspects, aged between 18 and 23, are all residents of the Battle Creek area. They now face multiple charges including burglary, forced entry, larceny in a building, possession of burglary tools, and resisting and obstructing police. The vehicle used in the crime was identified as stolen from Battle Creek.

Efforts to locate the fourth suspect are ongoing. The Van Buren County Sheriff's Office is urging anyone with information about the incident to contact them at 269-657-3101 or Silent Observer at 269-343-2100.

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