Tyrone Township Enacts 180-Day Moratorium on Medical Cannabis Facilities

July 19th, 2024 Legislation & Policy Updates
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Tyrone Township has enacted a temporary moratorium on medical cannabis facilities, halting all development, permitting, and operations for a period of 180 days. The Board of Trustees approved this resolution to allow time for a thorough review and potential revision of the township's current ordinance concerning medical cannabis.

Reviewing Ordinance for Compliance

The Board has tasked the Planning Commission with evaluating the township's existing regulations, focusing particularly on minimum parcel sizes and suitable locations for such facilities. This review aims to ensure compliance with Michigan's Medical Marijuana Act while avoiding exclusionary zoning practices that could limit where these facilities can be established.

The resolution acknowledges that there have been several inquiries about medical cannabis regulation within the township. Consequently, the township believes it is in its best interest to re-examine the Medical Marijuana Act along with associated rules, regulations, case law, attorney general opinions, and other relevant information.

Public Input and Supervisor's Comments

During the board meeting, Supervisor Mike Cunningham emphasized the importance of revisiting the current ordinance. He noted that there have been public comments and discussions indicating the need for a comprehensive review. "We do have an ordinance in place, but we want to make sure it's up-to-date and aligns with the latest legal and community standards," Cunningham stated.

The decision to impose the moratorium reflects the township's commitment to carefully consider all aspects of medical cannabis regulation, ensuring that any future development is conducted in a manner that benefits the community while adhering to legal requirements.

Next Steps for Tyrone Township

The Planning Commission's review will involve a detailed analysis of current zoning laws and how they apply to medical cannabis facilities. The goal is to create a balanced approach that accommodates medical cannabis operations without imposing unreasonable restrictions or creating conflicts with existing land uses.


Tyrone Township's 180-day moratorium on medical cannabis facilities represents a proactive step towards thoughtful regulation. By re-evaluating the township's ordinance and considering public input, the Board of Trustees aims to develop a framework that supports both the community's needs and the legal landscape surrounding medical cannabis.

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