Vlasic Classic Golf Mixer Heads to Michigan to Support Cannabis Reform

June 20th, 2024 Events & Conferences
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The Vlasic Classic Charity Golf mixer recently celebrated its second annual event in Missouri, hosted by Vlasic Labs. This year's 18-hole tournament saw participation from 27 teams and over 100 attendees, including advocates and legislators from Missouri and beyond. The event, held at the Old Kinderhook Golf Club in the Lake of the Ozarks, successfully raised $43,000 for the Last Prisoner Project, a nonprofit dedicated to aiding individuals imprisoned for cannabis-related offenses. These funds will support legal efforts, reentry programs, and advocacy aimed at reintegrating these individuals into society.

Following the Missouri tournament's success, Vlasic Classic has announced its next event, which will take place at St. John's Resort in Michigan from August 16-18. "As Vlasic Labs prepares for the Michigan Vlasic Classic, the company is committed to continuing its tradition of philanthropy and community support," the company stated. The upcoming event aims to build on the momentum of the Missouri outing, further supporting the Last Prisoner Project and highlighting the shared values of the Vlasic family and their partners.

Vlasic Labs, known for its hemp-based wellness products including tinctures, topicals, and gummies, was co-founded in 2019 by Rick Vlasic and his son Willy. The brand continues the Vlasic family legacy of honest branding and community involvement. The family's history of philanthropy dates back to before World War II when Joseph Vlasic revolutionized milk delivery in the Midwest. His son Robert later established the iconic Vlasic Pickles brand and donated significant funds to institutions such as the Henry Ford Health System, the Michigan Humane Society, and the University of Michigan.

Rick Vlasic has expanded the family's innovative spirit into the cannabis wellness industry, driven by the same principles of quality, consistency, and value that made Vlasic Pickles a household name. The upcoming Michigan Vlasic Classic is anticipated to further these values, combining community engagement with philanthropic efforts.

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