Free Cannabis Storage Bags Now Available at Monroe County Health Department

June 14th, 2024 Safety & Education
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Locking cannabis storage bags are now available for free at the Monroe County Health Department, located at 2353 S. Custer Road. These bags can be picked up from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. on weekdays.

These bags are designed to protect children and pets from accidental cannabis ingestion.

"Although medical and recreational cannabis is legal in Michigan, it is important that adults in possession of cannabis take steps to keep the substance locked up in a safe place," the health department emphasized in a recent news release. "Locking bags provide a way to store cannabis safely away from children and pets who may inadvertently ingest a cannabis product, which can put them at risk of serious health effects."

In addition to distributing the storage bags, the Monroe County Health Department will be airing radio and television advertisements over the next few months to promote safe cannabis use and storage. This initiative is funded by the Marijuana Operation and Oversight grant from the Cannabis Regulatory Agency within the Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs.

A national study published in "Pediatrics" reported that in 2017, there were slightly over 200 cases of accidental consumption of cannabis edibles by children under six years old in the U.S. By 2021, this number had surged to 3,054, marking a 1,375% increase, according to the Monroe County Health Department.

"The Michigan Poison and Drug Information Center recorded a 75% increase in cannabis toxicity among children aged five and younger from 2020-2022. Meanwhile, cases among children aged four to 13 grew by 60% from 2020-2023," the health department stated.

In cases where an individual experiences physical or mental distress following potential cannabis exposure, it is crucial to call 911 or seek immediate medical attention. The Poison Control Center is available at 800-222-1222. For further information, visit

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