Field of Greens Adjusts Festival Plans in Response to Community Feedback

April 18th, 2024 Events & Conferences
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Organizers behind Michigan's pioneering entertainment venue, Field of Greens, have announced a reduction in their initial entertainment offerings for the upcoming year. The venue, originally set to launch on May 18th with the event "Bikers, Buds & Brews" featuring '90s alternative rock bands Soul Asylum and Marcy Playground, has scaled back its ambitious schedule. The launch was intended to coincide with the annual Blessing of the Bikes in Baldwin, where a Catholic priest blesses motorcycles for the summer season.

Field of Greens, described as the first venue in Michigan to allow the sale and consumption of both cannabis and alcohol, had initially planned five festivals for 2024. However, these have now been condensed into two multi-day festivals, according to Grams & Jams Productions, the organizers of the events. The adjustment was made in response to community feedback, aiming to balance entertainment with local sensibilities and resource limitations.

Grams & Jams Productions stated that Soul Asylum will instead perform at the third annual Cannabash festival, scheduled for July 12-14th, which will also feature artists like Blake Banks, DJ Jodi Dro, and DJ Prim. A full lineup for this event is expected to be announced shortly. Meanwhile, Marcy Playground is set to take the stage at a newly introduced event, the Summer Send Off, slated for August 23-24th.

Connie Maxim-Sparrow, the executive producer at Grams & Jams, emphasized the importance of community input in their planning process. She highlighted concerns about overwhelming local emergency services and conflicting with other summer events in Lake County, which is one of Michigan's least populated areas. The decision to scale back the events was well-received as a measure that respects and integrates into the community's existing cultural and public safety frameworks.

In a strategic move, Grams & Jams Productions, which launched its Cannabash festival in Muskegon in 2022, announced earlier this year the creation of Field of Greens. This venue aims to offer greater control over event productions and the ability to host multiple events throughout the year. Due to Michigan's liquor laws, the venue will feature separate areas for alcohol and cannabis consumption, divided by a fence.

Construction of Field of Greens is underway on a 30-acre site, also home to the cannabis dispensary Baldwin Provisions. The new venue and its revised festival schedule represent a significant development in Michigan's entertainment and cannabis industries, reflecting a blend of community engagement and innovative event planning.

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